Johannesburg - South Africa
South Africa, and What it Means to Me
As an immigrant currently living and studying in Australia, it is often to easy to live life without reflection. Although Australia represents one of the most aesthetic, care-free lifestyles, with ample opportunity, one cannot ignore the simple fact that culture determines an individual. In the spring of 2016, my family returned to South Africa, Johannesburg, to capitalize on that civilization that created a vast array of experiences, ideologies, and fulfilling memories. While South Africa can be argued as the pinnacle of social conflict, political turmoil, and conservative ideologies, it hard to look beyond it's beautiful characteristics. For me, the best way to describe such a lifestyle is simply as 'the beauty and the beast'. When a traveler is able to transcend beyond political, social, and economic conflict, the sublimity of South Africa land is purely breathe-taking.

While Australia is famous for it's barren land, beautiful beaches, and easy-going culture, only through experience can it be argued that the landscape of South Africa reflects such characteristics. Mountains, valleys, planes, city and beaches; stricken by political, social, and economic discrepancies. Throughout my childhood, and subsequent return, these were points of interests and amazement; a beautiful country, brought down by conservative and invasive action. When the journey to explore South Africa proceeds as the primary goal of a traveler, there is only beauty and amazement to take in. An amazing, controversial, and an overall sublime country, South Africa means much to me as it represents the roots of my existence. If you wish to experience a landscape, and animal diversity like no other, visit South Africa and see the country that means so much to me in your own eyes!
- Matthew
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